Ecommerce Unleashed

Introduction to online marketing

If you have a Facebook page or YouTube channel you may have noticed that these sites will limit your reach. These websites do this because they assume that it is better to deliver the content from the creators that the viewers had the most interactions with. You can ask for likes and comments on your content to increase your reach on these platforms.

YouTube rewards those that upload frequently so if you have the resources upload every few days. Creating videos in bulk and scheduling uploads over time could be way to do this. You may want to ask people to like, comment, and subscribe after each video.

On Facebook it may be worthwhile to ask a question in posts frequently to keep up engagment. You can also ask questions in YouTube or Facebook videos.

These platforms also reward those that keep people on their site so you may not want to link your site in every post. Videos that keep people watching perform best and you may want to create playlists of related videos as this helps increase the total time people are watching your content.

Facebook advertising is a popular v for marketing but it is not. A good thing about it is that you can target people by interest or people who like certain pages.

By putting an extremely tiny image on your site you can also target people who visit it with advertisments later on Facebook or Google services. This is good as people believe that some people need to see a brand an average of seven times before people will buy. The extremely tiny image is known on Facebook as the Facebook Pixel as it is an image the size of a pixel.

Google also has a pixel but I think that it is used to target people on YouTube as well as other google services.

If you want to target people who are searching for a specific product or service you can use Google Adwords. It is also possible that advertising on lesser known search engines will be more cost effective.

If you don't want to pay per click but still want to appear in the search results you can do search engine optimization for your site. You can hire people to do this.

On page SEO is changing your site is to perform better in the search engines. It can as simple as adjusting the amount of keywords on the page and as advanced as writing entirely new articles for your site.

Off page SEO is more to do with getting links to your site and outreach. Some people in SEO believe that this is not important if you are targeting less competitive keywords. I still see value in trying to get links if you do it in an effective

SEO is largely a guessing game and most people in the industry just listen to each other on what works. Some SEO professionals listen to Google but some are more distrustful on what Google says. A small amount of SEO professionals do ongoing experiments and study what search engines do.

 > Introduction to online marketing

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